Monday, September 25, 2017

Watch First -Pull Up Queen Review- Get The Facts!!

The heavily perpetuated myth is that women lack the upper body strength to pull themselves over a bar—that pull-ups are a feat of strength available only to those who possess testosterone in droves, namely men.Pull-up Queen Review

Chances are you've heard some variation of this myth at some point in your life, and it's possible that it's even deterred you from the pursuit of pull-ups.

Many women won't even attempt to get pull-ups, simply because we've been told we're not strong enough, so why bother? In fact, I've worked with several women who say they want to do a pull-up, but are too intimidated to try because we've been led to believe that it's too hard and too far out of our reach.

Ladies, can we collectively call this myth out on it's nonsense? The idea that pull-ups are only available to men is a cultural limitation that seeks to keep us small. It's just one more way that our patriarchal society limits our progress and steals from our power.

This societal belief is simply a construct that keeps a myriad women from experiencing the immense self sufficiency and deep fulfillment that come from pulling ourselves up over that bar.
Pull-up Queen Review
The truth is that you can do pull-ups. You can do them without assistance. You can defy the societal myths that seek to keep you in it's confines. If you're ready to commit to the pursuit of pull-ups—to feel the exhilaration of getting over that bar, over and over again, join me in becoming a Pull-up Queen.
Pull-up Queen
Pull-up Queen Will Help You...
Develop and increase your upper body strength
Improve pull-up technique
Get your first chin-up or pull-up
Build a strong back
Increase your pull-up reps
Feel like a badass in the gym (or anywhere you can pull yourself up!)

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